Online Booking
Please Purchase a Gift Card instead.
*If the person arriving has a different name than the person who is scheduled, the appointment will not be honored & only 50% of the total pre-payment will be refunded.
Appointments being scheuled for minors require practitioner approval & can only be booked by the practitioner, not online.
-Although some of our services can accomodate more that one person at a time, online booking does not have the ability to do so. If you would like to schedule services for you and a friend or for a group, please call us!(570)-898-2812
-Enhancements will be offered during check-out
-All first-time clients are required to fill out intake forms and/or liability waivers. These forms will be e-mailed to you shortly after we receive notice of your booking. Please refer to the “policy” page for more information regarding all required paperwork & fees regarding cancellations & rescheduling.