All policies & fees associated with Balanced Spirit, LLC services can be found in the “policy” section of our website, the last page of all service intake forms or are available upon request in paper form.
All Practitioners are certified accordingly & Massage Therapists are licensed professionals and held to the highest standards in accordance with PA laws and regulations. Massage Therapists/Practitioners do not diagnose illness, disease or any other physical or mental disorder. As such, the Massage Therapist does not prescribe medical treatment or pharmaceuticals nor are any spinal adjustments performed. Massage therapy is not a substitute for medical attention and it is essential that all health information provided be true and correct. All information is confidential in accordance with HIPAA.
In accordance with PA Massage Therapy Laws & Regulations; All MassageTherapists/Practitioners at Balanced Spirit, LLC reserve the right to refuse services at any time before, during or after a session. Some reasons may include and are not limited to; lack of training or physical capabilities of the Therapist/Practitioner or client, if both the client & Therapist/Practitioner cannot agree on or maintain a therapeutic alliance, poor hygiene(noticeable dirt or other materials that may be deemed unsanitary) & any conversion or behaviors that make them uncomfortable* Sexual misconduct is forbidden. Any illicit or sexual remarks, advances or gestures will result in the refusal of all services or immediate termination of the session & may result in the police being called. Refusal of any future requests for services. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made if this happens.
Alicia DePeal, Licensed Massage Therapist, PA License Number: MSG012594 Kathleen Barbour, Licensed Massage Therapist, PA License Number: MSG015349